Therapeutic massage uses a combination of techniques to help relieve pain, flush toxins, and to help the client relax to clear mind chatter from the body, mind and spirit.
Therapeutic massage uses a combination of techniques to help relieve pain, flush toxins, and to help the client relax to clear mind chatter from the body, mind and spirit.
Therapeutic massage uses a combination of techniques to help relieve pain, flush toxins, and to help the client relax to clear mind chatter from the body, mind and spirit.
“1: a light touch, whole-body treatment technique developed by John E. upledger, DO, OMM; works with the whole body’s craniosacral system to support and nourish the central nervous system - improving overall health and well-being.”
Therapeutic massage uses a combination of techniques to help one relax, relieve pain and or help the client clear clutter from the body, mind and spirit.
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